Own Your Beauty

Saturday, July 11, 2009

30 Days to Being a Better Wife... Day 1

So, I told you on date night we were going to watch a movie. And we did... "Fireproof" This was without a doubt one of the most wonderful, inspiring, funny, sweet, romantic movies I think I have seen in a really long time. If you and your sweetie have not seen it, please take the time to watch it together. It follows a plan called the Love Dare, which is based off of taking 40 days to become a better spouse. It was so fitting for me to watch this on the eve of me starting my own challenge. I will use some of the dares from the Love Dare, as I certainly feel like I need all the help I can get.
Day 1: Love is patient

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

—Ephesians 4:2 NIV


The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret.

I succeeded so far today. A friend of mine is having a party tonight. I know that dh does not want to go, however, I have really pushed the issue. Well, this morning over coffee, he finally just came out and said, he really did not want to attend. There had been a much younger crowd(early 20's) that had also been invited, it had grown to over 150 people, and he just really did not feel like it was something he would enjoy. I could feel the vein in my temple start to pulse and my blood pressure start to rise. I could also see DH shift his weight and knew he was waiting for me to blow. I sat for a few seconds and considered my options... I could blow up right now, pout, get angry, and ruin an otherwise lovely morning with DH going off to fish with his buddies and me cleaning house and bleaching anything that would stand still.... or I could just nicely say that was fine, I would go for a bit, then come home and we would have a nice dinner together if he would pick up something while he was out. Tic tock tick tock.... I chose the high road. I smiled sweetly, said my piece and DH agreed to pick up something yummy for dinner.

I must admit, I'm not happy with his decision, however, in thinking it over, I took what could have turned into a childish argument and difused it. I can't promise that I will act the same the next time something happens, but I will try. I will end this post by saying a small prayer quoted from the book "One Minute Prayers for Wives" by Hope Lyda"

"A man's wisdom gives him patience, it is his glory to overlook an offense"
Proverbs 19:11
Calm my heart and my mind when they are raging towards accusation and frustration. Allow me a bridge of compassion so that I can step above and over the hurdle before me. On the other side I will find the beauty of forgiveness and mercy. I will experience the freedom of overlooking flaws and the human ways of another.

Have a wonderful rest of the day! I'm off to go get dressed for the party.

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